In 2017 the following residents participated in the TAKING TIME / PRENDENDO TEMPO Residency Programme: The Collective Responsible For, Jamie Watt, David Evan Mackay, Marwan Moujaes and Lee Hassall. See below for more information.
At the end of each residency period the Museum of Loss and Renewal produces a publication that brings together art works, visual material and texts produced by the residents who participated in the Residency Programme.
Preview and order your copy of TAKING TIME / PRENDENDO TEMPO 2017.

JUNE 2017 | The Collective Responsible For

The Collective Responsible For (TCRF) is an international artists’ collective founded in Dundee, Scotland that emphasises the construction of social interactions and occurrences that often take the form of festive events.
AUGUST 2017 | Jamie Watt

Jamie Watt draws on the anti-authoritarian, darkly comedic and democratic ethos of Scottish Art to investigate cultural tribalism, power structures and the fluid nature of truth and knowledge. Inspired by the theological and social forces that forged the modern world he merges the ecclesiastical with the proletarian and the historical with the contemporary to create iconoclastic arrangements. Spanning a wide range of media his practice often focuses on the recontextualisation of historical characters or artefacts to create a new discourse and understanding surrounding contemporary cultural identity.
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2017 | David Evan Mackay

David Mackay studied Art, Philosophy and Contemporary Practices. He was awarded the Royal Scottish Academy of Art & Architecture John Kinross Scholarship to study in Florence. During his time there he suffered a terrible loss. His current practice is concerned with working through his personal fragmented mythology, psychology, depression, happiness, memory, relationships with others and notion of self. A recent collaborative exhibition at Patriothall Gallery in Edinburgh titled ‘Give Me the Sun’ explored some of these themes which he now seeks to build and elaborate upon.
AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2017 | Marwan Moujaes

My objective during the residency in Collemacchia was to capture signs from local places and turn these into images. Drawing on the history of the region, the ancient and contemporary migratory context and the ‘sublime’ of the landscapes, I produced in collaboration with Maha Yammine dialogues and assemblages to enable the design of new approaches to landscapes with the inhabitants of the region.
Offered in collaboration with artconnexion, Lille and funded by the Institut Français and Ville de Lille.
SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2017 | Lee Hassall

During my time in Collemacchia I walked, drew, worked – with still and moving images – and was silent. I used judiciously ‘performed’, carefully ‘attuned’ (spoken) text to layer, alter, shatter, and/or transform normative modes of relating to and representing the picturesque*, landscape or place.
* The etymology of the word ‘picturesque’, is revealed as being after the manner of painters, from the Italian pittoresco. With the Italian derivation ‘pittoresco’ – ‘pittor’ (“painter”), ‘esco’ (“like”), we have the supposition that the picturesque has little to do with landscape itself but is more a case of the picturesque being in the painter (or artist).
Edwin Janssen